Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I must admit, this is only in response to Toddy posting all those cartoon clips from he 80s over on his blog. Never a huge fan, I did watch He-Man instead of She-Ra. Seriously, the show came off just plain stoooopid.

I'm not sure if it was popular or not, but for those of you might have forgotten about the Eternian Princess of Power, here's a trip down Memory Lane for your.


Wonder Man said...

I love the theme song

Unknown said...

my sister and I used to watch this show when we were kids and act out the scenes...wonder why I let her be She-Ra?


While this blog is not really intended to show adult content, I can't guarantee that an occasional image of male nudity won't appear. Be advised that this blog is intended to be read by people with an open mind. I don't claim any rights to the images nor do I have any knowledge of the sexuality of persons featured (unless they are openly gay...duh). Enjoy yourself and take a small step in my every day life and pondering... Feel free to email any comments or opinions.

President Barack Obama!