Well, the weekend flew
in and flew
out in a moment's notice it seems. Why do weekends go faster than the weekdays, huh? I'd seriously like to know!
Most of my plans went awry...had to cancel out on Arturo due to lack of money, postponed seeing the
"Family That Preys" for the same reason, and I ended up housing sitting, but it's all good! God got me to church and Artie and I
rescheduled lunch for later this coming week. It'll even be
his treat. I'll take that!
I also managed to catch up with my blog reading. Thanks to
Greg, I subscribed to
Feedly Blog Reader, which gathers all your blog posts in one convenient place. It cuts down time significantly.
Damn, I was way behind. Y'all shared some intriguing thoughts and situations! Your eloquent way of writing makes
The Axe come across as juvenile prattle.
Vince, and
Cocoa Rican... I'm
speechless. The ups, downs, triumphs, break-ups, heartache, the joy... just the feeling each of you put into your blogs. I'm envious, given my current circumstances (
pure and unadulterated boredom) with life, a
little drama,
good or bad, would be appreciated.
Three posts stand out in the forefront of my mind, Corey's piece on
Fathers and Gay Sons and two bites Darian did; one on
Bobby Blake's stance on effeminate men and the other a snippet from
Southern Voice reporter Ryan Lee's article on
Katt Williams "outing" Dorian Wilson. If you haven't caught up with either Corey's or Darian's posts,
go check 'em out, then come back.
I'll comment on Corey in forthcoming blog,
later. I'll say this much for now, Corey brought
home the message and it caused reflection on past issues in my own life.
(Yo! Brother I didn't forget about my assignment either. I'm still workin' on it.) For the moment
though, I'm compelled mostly to sound off on Bobby Blake and Katt Williams.
First, Bobby Blake has to be the
ugliest man in creation! He's just a big ole piece of meat (and not the good kind). He ain't sexy in my opinion.
Not even hardly! I watched the clip attached with the post and brother didn't come across too powerfully masculine to me. While not flaming, brother has a gay vibe. I'm not interest in shit this ugly
mofo has to say.
Second, Katt Williams. OK, he's somewhat funny, I'll admit that. But
excuse me for a second if I call him out and question his
own sexuality. Doesn't it strike you
odd he's pointing fingers? He seems a little "
family"-ish at times, in fact, I just assumed he was "acting" straight to advance his career. I don't know if Katt is married or has kids or anything, but we
all know that shit doesn't mean
nuthin' in this day in age. It never did.
Maybe Katt's
"queer" vibe is a part of his routine meant to enhance jocularity.
Whatever. I've only seen a handful of his specials, so I'm not sure what his
shtick is. Katt's sexually questionable role in
"First Sunday" came across
too convincing, so who the hell is
he to assume on any one's sexuality? I realize he's acting, but I
still get the "vibe." Just my thought.
When are folks gonna stop
hatin' on other folks for being different then
themselves? I
did go to church today, so lemme shut up 'fore I negate my own argument. There's
nothing else pertinent on my mind, so I won't waste more words by rambling.