Saturday, September 1, 2007

September's here....Summer's almost Ovah

I can't believe it's September 1st already. This year is flying by and summer seems like a blink of the eye. The leaves out my backdoor have already started to change colors. I'm not prepared for autumn yet! While this time of year is generally my favorite with the advent of the holidays months, I'm much rather have summer back. I spent most of the season convalescing and battling health problems. I feel like I missed a third of my summer due my health. Hey man, I gots cheated!!! Cheated I tells ya! Cheated!

This weekend holds promise. Last night I escaped from the confines of my apartment to go out to dinner with Lady Miss T and "Zende." We dined at a wonderful Pan-Asian restaurant called Okini. They have delicious food and it gave me an opportunity to indulge in one of my favorite dishes, SUSHI!!! I usually get stuff I know is safe, attempting anything unusual like eel, octopus, sea anemone, abalone, or other traditional inedible Japanese fare.

Returning home, I found I had a little stray beagle puppy on my doorstep. After checking with my neighbors, the poor little puppy didn't belong to anyone I could find, so we called rescue shelters and the township police. My downstairs neighbor, Chris, and I stayed with the dog, chatting about absolute randomness until the police dispatch sent a cruiser to get the pup. If I didn't already have cats, I would have taken the dog in to keep. He was about 5-6 months old and very friendly. He must belong to someone because he had a flea collar, but no identification tags. We were assured by the office no harm would come to the pup because Township Police have an agreement with the East Shore Humane Society.

Today has been lazy and carefree, just the way I like it. Tomorrow I might be going to the Kipona Arts Festival, a traditional end of summer event held every year at River Front Park downtown. Monday, Labor Day, is the birthday party for one my college roommates' son, so I'll be going to that. Man I feel old. I can't believe "Robin" will be 10-years old. Tempus Fugit! Time flies....

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While this blog is not really intended to show adult content, I can't guarantee that an occasional image of male nudity won't appear. Be advised that this blog is intended to be read by people with an open mind. I don't claim any rights to the images nor do I have any knowledge of the sexuality of persons featured (unless they are openly gay...duh). Enjoy yourself and take a small step in my every day life and pondering... Feel free to email any comments or opinions.

President Barack Obama!