Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Truth Is Known. Satisfied?

For those of you who watched the Battlestar Galactica Series and its Finale last night, what did you think? It ended the only way it could I suppose. I was partially disappointed because I'm left with a few nagging questions. The premise of this season was "You Will Know The Truth," however, we didn't get the complete truth. Oh sure, there were answers aplenty, but the 10% unanswered questions stick to my craw like hot tar on the bottom of my trainers on a hot summer afternoon.

Best answer given? The explanation of the Opera House vision through the series. Worst answer or biggest letdown? Starbuck. The first half was slow moving for me, but relevent to the storyline. The second half was jammed pack with action and I especially was appreciative to see the only black Cylon, Simon (played by actor Rick Worthy), during the Finale. Others had predicted the final scenes, so I had an inkling how the show would close. Head Six and Head Baltar still intrigue me. I'll put the explanation of their roles as questionary. Half-satisfied, half-disappointed, I almost positive we'll be seeing these two again with the two prequel movies slated later this year, Caprica and Battlestar Galactica: The Plan.

Overall, the Battlestar Galactica series had a statement to make about many things,: race, religion, politics, sexuality, illness, cruelty... you name it. Edward James Olmos stated it best when he said future generations will look back at this series and hail it as a hallmark of the time, like Blade Runner did back in the 80s. Truth be told, I've never re-watched Blade Runner as an adult, but I hear you gain so much insight from an older perspective than when you were "you" back in the day.

So through the highs and lows of Galactica, we've been carried through a journey of epic proportions. Some characters we loved, some we despised, and others we truly didn't understand until the credits rolled for the final time. I'll miss the show, but something else will come along soon. Always does.

But the important lesson I'm taking from Galactica is, no matter what our differences in beliefs, we all human, struggling to survive through the wilderness, looking for home. Now you can take the words "wilderness" and "home" however you wish. Wilderness could imply sexuality struggles, substance abuse, or general strife of everyday living. Home could me finding a mate/partner, establishing job security, or religious enlightenment. Whatever the application, our journey is universal and the experiences we live today will set the foundation for tomorrow. Make the most of what you got today, recognize mistakes, improve on the qualities that are good, and strive to unite, while being unique. Simple. That's the message Ron D. Moore and David Eick said unto me. So say we all.

So Say We All!


Curious said...

You know last night I swore they would never get me to see The Plan. It would just be the same frakking crap but from the other side. A disappointment in duplicate. But like you said, maybe I need some distance from the show to appreciate it the way that I do Blade Runner the director's cut now.

Godwhacker said...

I was pretty happy with the ending. There were a lot of lose ends that were left hanging, but they gave us an hour long ass-kicking sci-fi battle followed by an hour of sentimental philosophy. Emotionally, it gave me a glowing appreciation for life that was tempered by a sense of finality. It was great t.v. -- hands down.


While this blog is not really intended to show adult content, I can't guarantee that an occasional image of male nudity won't appear. Be advised that this blog is intended to be read by people with an open mind. I don't claim any rights to the images nor do I have any knowledge of the sexuality of persons featured (unless they are openly gay...duh). Enjoy yourself and take a small step in my every day life and pondering... Feel free to email any comments or opinions.

President Barack Obama!