Bizarre, macabre, and strangeness perplexes Ian this morning. Last night/early this morning I was sleeping soundly when the Sandman paid me a visit with a host of dreams, nightmares really, which I am searching for meaning in the waking zone. Strange and curious.
Be advised, this is slightly graphic and distrubing. I'm toning the content down to some degree, only because as I'm shaking off sleep, the dreams are fading. But I'm curious? What is the meaning?
Big Brother Corey? You're the expert in my life on dream analysis and interpretation since my Grandmama has departed this Earth. Got any insights? Read on:
Rarely do I dream in color. That right there is
telling. From what I know, most folks dream in black and white. I dream in both spectrum's. Now from what I can remember, the dream was divided into two parts. The setting was was in a chamber, perhaps a prison, basement, parking garage type area. Not much light, very industrial. Those of you familiar with
Gary Heidnik, think of his setting. I was with a group of men, all Black or Latino, nondescript on sexuality, and we were fighting in some type of gang related beef. Guns blazing, shoots were being fired left and right. I could hear the guns, see the bullet holes in the walls. Through those holes, I could see rays of sunlight.
Not sure of the time of year, but it must have been warmer. Anyway, in order to escape the war, several of us choose these
"chambers" or in-ground pits, bunkers within this bunker setting, to survive. I vividly and clearly saw men jumping in this concrete areas two men at a time, some clothed, some in tatters, to escape the onslaught. The last bunker was someone I knew, but I now cannot place his face. I jumped in with him and pulled the trap door closed over our heads. I knew a feeling of safety, comfort. The next scene was of some man, this time not of any particular ethnic origin, but known to us all, rescuing the survivors. He was someone in authority, but not necessarily a police officer....
Part two is where it gets strange and scary. The setting has changed. The spectrum changed to color. I'm not sure of the locale. Perhaps a college quad style dormitory room, perhaps a sanitarium? Perhaps a camp dorm...something with a common room area. Now I said sanitarium earlier because of this. There was a man in a closet who was bound and chained, the picture and thought lead me to believe he was Charles Manson
(What the Fuck?!?!?) and he professed to be Jesus. He kept spouting scriptures and gospel. Salvation and encouraged the men in this area to believe and follow him? I remember there was some kind of alter in the front of the room. Not sure what the purpose was for the altar, but it was there. This seemed spurn Manson/Jesus to rattle off more dogma. He tried to convince us he was our friend.
Now this is interesting part.At some point, "the guards" brought food to Manson/Jesus and had to be unchained. I don't remember what happened to the guards, but then the Mason person got loose from the closet/holding area and began killing the people in the room. I knew in my dream I was sleeping, could hear myself snoring, but I know that also in the dream I was asleep and felt him upon me, take a knife, and slit my throat. I perceived the blood. In the dream, I awoke from the dream to see the Mason-character killing another person by stabbing them and then placing their bloody mangled body into a closet. The blood was crimson and bright. After doing this, the Mason-man came back to check to see if he I was dead, and I recall feigning sleep as I was still bleeding, but not dead. That's when I awoke. It's was about 3:40 AM.
Weird, huh? Now I know enough about dream analysis and interpretation that nothing is ever what it truly seems. Representation of the subconscious distorts true significance, but in this scenario, I absolutely am lost. And what's more, I was under the notion that if you died in a dream, you die in real life?
(isn't that true? Maybe I've watched too many horror and chiller movies?!?!)OK folks. Give Ian a clue.
Wot's this here shit about? What message is my unconscious mind sending me?