Friday, April 26, 2013
Friday, April 19, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Titanic and Some Life Updates
I don't think I did a post last year on the 100th year anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic, but I will mark the 101st. It's funny, I was watching the classic Titanic movie with Barbara Stanwick the other on TCM and had forgotten the disastrous anniversary date was approaching.
Now, let me say that I've been fascinated by the tragedy since I was a small child. The many did the ship really sink, why weren't more passengers saved, pondering why Classism existed in the early 20th Century...on and on.
There's a Titanic exhibit making its rounds across the States right now. Last I heard it was at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. Perhaps I'll take a visit.
Anyhoo, I know posts have been light lately. There's drama going on in my life lately. Too many slappy London days going on. Posts will continue to be sporadic until life calms down a bit. Work has been busy. Several of my friends are in a state of flux. Ugh! Have I mentioned taces?!?!?! You know I waited until the last minute to file, right?
As far as dating, Big D and I had been hot and heavy, but now that we decided to go exclusive, well, it's sorta gone from sugar to shit. I;ve been grumpy that we haven't been spending as much time as I'd prefer. Darryl constantly works! If you knew what he did for a living, well it's a commendable profession, so I'm proud he's helping others, but damn. Papa Red Bear needs some lovin TLC. I ended up venting on the phone for four hours with Pharaoh Friday night. I hadn't intended to do so, but Pharaoh has that talent for drawing out things.
In his analysis, my beloved li'l brother swears because nobody has "broken the cookie jar" there's maybe some awkwardness and undue tension. LOL. Well that might just be a little more details than care to know, but no, we haven't gone there yet. There are reasons and perhaps I'll expound upon them in another post.
That's it for now.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Art Of Noise: Beat Box
Wow. I'd completely forgotten about Art of Noise. Found this while surfing across the Blogosphere.
OK, so I probably say this with every Friday Flashback tune I post, but this song really does take me back! I was in Junior High School in '83 when this came out. So young, so naive. LOL. Well I'm not so young anymore, but still a tad naive.
The riff in this is catching and I like the vibe. I might just need to add this to my iPod.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Willy, Billy?

I say structurally intact because the genitals are a tad disproportionate to the rest of the body. Then again, Barbie has been outta whack for decades. Supposedly
, if a real person, Barbie wouldn't be able to stand. Hm. What would a life sized Billy do? Probably scare the hell outta some bottoms boy, that's for sure.
Like his female counterpart, Billy came in a wide variety of different facets of the gay community. Sometimes believable, other times quite laughable. I did consider purchasing one a few years ago, but thought against it. I mean, how the hell would I explain the damn thing in my house? That and I couldn't rationalize plunking down the greenbacks to pay for one. Billy comes with a hefty price tag!!!
Anyone out there own a version of Billy? If so, what inspired you to get one?
Friday, April 5, 2013
A Little Afternoon Cuteness
I don't if any of you are cat owners, but I know my cats would turn around and devour that bunny. This image is filled with ooey gooey goodness, it's sickening. LOL. When I start at it long enough though, it does bring a smile a just a moment's peace. This has been a hectic work week. Only a few more hours to go, then "Hello, Weekend!"
Melanie Fiona - Gone And Never Coming Back
I love the artistry in this video. Reminds me of the classic vids from the 80s and 90s. I also love this song. Melanie happens be on my top 10 favorite female musicians list.
X-Men: The Onslaught 2016
OK, so I'm excited for the release of Days of Future Present. Bryan Singer has promised to fix many of the continuity errors between the original three X films, Wolverine, and First Class.
This should be interesting. If done correctly, Future Present could be better than last year's Avengers. Scratch beneath the surface, there's tons of errors and fuck ups in Avengers too. No, no need to be a slappy London. Allow for people to be people before you make judgments.
Thinking ahead, then next X-Men project I'd love to see someone tackle is the Onslaught storyline. This would need to handled carefully and delicately. No fuck-ups permitted. This may need some actor recasts, but first and foremost an Onslaught storyline needs to be tight. TIGHT.
Let's make this happen. Can we? If we're gonna keep doing Marvel Universe stories, why not some of the best? I wouldn't mind a Secret Wars film either. All the major participant have had a film done, Iron Man, Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Avengers, and the X-Men. The new Fantastic Four reboot should be done by the time a new Collective Marvel project would get underway... Seriously! Is anyone paying attention to these ideas??? This could work. Really!
Hell'er? Hollywood? Listen!
This should be interesting. If done correctly, Future Present could be better than last year's Avengers. Scratch beneath the surface, there's tons of errors and fuck ups in Avengers too. No, no need to be a slappy London. Allow for people to be people before you make judgments.
Thinking ahead, then next X-Men project I'd love to see someone tackle is the Onslaught storyline. This would need to handled carefully and delicately. No fuck-ups permitted. This may need some actor recasts, but first and foremost an Onslaught storyline needs to be tight. TIGHT.
Let's make this happen. Can we? If we're gonna keep doing Marvel Universe stories, why not some of the best? I wouldn't mind a Secret Wars film either. All the major participant have had a film done, Iron Man, Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Avengers, and the X-Men. The new Fantastic Four reboot should be done by the time a new Collective Marvel project would get underway... Seriously! Is anyone paying attention to these ideas??? This could work. Really!
Hell'er? Hollywood? Listen!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Feed Me(ow), Seymour
It's one of those mornings where I was rudely awakened with a slap to the face with a furry paw; then fetching "meow."
Translation: Get your arse outta bed and come feed us. Never-mind there's dry food out, we want the canned stuff.
This is what being a loving owner means....
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Hunting Season

I need to stay current with thing, but like many of my addictions, TV is one that takes over my life if I'm not careful. So, maybe if the program lasts a minute, I'll start. Four, I suppose, isn't this a online only program? Lord, with all my social networking media... Blogger, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebogger...I don't need one more item on my Interwebs palate neither!!!
Anyone seen this? It is worth watching? Or is it only good for the few peen clips that have been released and nothing more? Do tell. Since the few shows I do watch are being cancelled left and right, I need some mindless brain candy to replace them.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Ice Cream Telestrator
This is a a couple weeks old, but never fails to give me a chuckle. I feel the dude. I've been thre when someone is trynna mooch off of you. Just cause we significant others don't give you free license up in my sweet treat. LOL. Naw, I like to share, but please do ask. Don't just assume. Watch the clip though. It has a very sweet ending.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Remembering Marvin
April 2, 1939 - April 1, 1984
Talent taken away from us way too soon. I was in junior high school the year he died. Was watching a basketball game with my Grandfather when Brent Musburger came on tell us Marvin had been shot and killed by his father. I remember we all sat there in the living room, dumbfounded.
How can it be 29 years ago? Time goes so quickly....
Run, you clever boy....
So what did y'all think about the midseason premiere of Doctor Who, the Bells of St. John? I give it an A-. While Matt Smith is still not my favorite Doctor, this episode seemed tailor made for his incarnation of our favorite Timelord.
Small elements from classic Who were incorporated, like UNIT and the Great Intelligence. Bells of St. John kept me guessing. I still haven't the faintest idea who Ms. Clara Oswin Oswald is, but speculation is her catchphrase, "Run, You clever boy, and remember..." has something to do with it. Moffat is good for putting the "spoilers" right in front of your face that you miss them entirely. Almost. I might figure this out just yet. I nearly had the whole mystery with River Song figured out. Nearly. Well, OK. I was floored...
Now, on to commentary on classic Who. My father introduced me to the Doctor and his crazy blue box, the TARDIS, when I was about five or six. I remember rushing at night to get my homework done so I could turn on our local PBS station, WHYY Channel 12 for the nightly half hour segment. I used to hate the cliffhangers over the weekends, but was prep and ready for my space adventure come Monday!
Tom Baker was my first Doctor. For all intents and purposes,the only DOCTOR. Back then, I hadn't understood that he had been some other old crotchety dudes, just the loveable curly-head buffoon with a multicolored, incredibly long, scarf and his penchant to offer Jelly Babies everyone he met. Waitaminute? Jelly Baby? Doesn't he mean Jelly Beans????
Silly me hadn't quite heard of the confectionery delicacy, and chalked it up just the British way way of pronouncing"jelly bean." You know, like they say sched-ule, instead of our sked-ule, or throw "e" at the end of particular words... And thus, I was hooked. How fascinating.
Crazy monsters like the Sontarans, Zygons, Daleks, and Cybermen crept into my universe. Far off and away places, came into view... Skarro, Castrovalva, Trakken, Gallifrey. Ah yes, Gallifrey. Timelord Central, filled with stuffy old dudes with funky robes that never died, barring accidents.
Yes, the acting was campy. The special effects were off-kilter, but this was just the show! The end all be all.
Jump forward 40 plus years and we have the new Doctor for the 21st century. Oh, he's regenerated twice since the revival. I miss David Tenant
, but am ever so grateful mean ass Christopher Eccleston is gone. Ugh! The Doctor was always a bit eccentric, petulant at times, but never plain mean and nasty. Eccleston's portrayal was good only to get the series jump-started. I'm glad he left after the first year or else I truly believe the show would have bombed.
Oh and the best thing about the revival? There's gay and black characters on the show. Don't ever recall seeing anyone of color even before the show ceased production in the late 80s/early 90s. And gay companions? Pbbt. Please. Oh there were gay actors. Matthew Waterhouse, Adric from E-Space, is gay in real life, but no homosexuals in space. Now? Well we have an assortment openly gay roles, played by gay actors like Russell Tovey and John Barrowman. I'm impressed Doc!
So wonder when this all began, did the producers ever believe years later the show would still be in full effect? Did they understand the cult phenomenon they were creating? Probably not. This is just my little recollection on how Who has impacted my life. I'll post things periodically until we hit the big anniversary in November. Until then, shall wonderfully enjoy the second half of Season 7 Or is it 8? I've lost track!
To quote that the Doctor himself, "I tried to keep a diary once, but that's the trouble with time travel, one never seems to find the time."
Small elements from classic Who were incorporated, like UNIT and the Great Intelligence. Bells of St. John kept me guessing. I still haven't the faintest idea who Ms. Clara Oswin Oswald is, but speculation is her catchphrase, "Run, You clever boy, and remember..." has something to do with it. Moffat is good for putting the "spoilers" right in front of your face that you miss them entirely. Almost. I might figure this out just yet. I nearly had the whole mystery with River Song figured out. Nearly. Well, OK. I was floored...

Tom Baker was my first Doctor. For all intents and purposes,the only DOCTOR. Back then, I hadn't understood that he had been some other old crotchety dudes, just the loveable curly-head buffoon with a multicolored, incredibly long, scarf and his penchant to offer Jelly Babies everyone he met. Waitaminute? Jelly Baby? Doesn't he mean Jelly Beans????
Silly me hadn't quite heard of the confectionery delicacy, and chalked it up just the British way way of pronouncing"jelly bean." You know, like they say sched-ule, instead of our sked-ule, or throw "e" at the end of particular words... And thus, I was hooked. How fascinating.
Crazy monsters like the Sontarans, Zygons, Daleks, and Cybermen crept into my universe. Far off and away places, came into view... Skarro, Castrovalva, Trakken, Gallifrey. Ah yes, Gallifrey. Timelord Central, filled with stuffy old dudes with funky robes that never died, barring accidents.
Yes, the acting was campy. The special effects were off-kilter, but this was just the show! The end all be all.
Jump forward 40 plus years and we have the new Doctor for the 21st century. Oh, he's regenerated twice since the revival. I miss David Tenant
, but am ever so grateful mean ass Christopher Eccleston is gone. Ugh! The Doctor was always a bit eccentric, petulant at times, but never plain mean and nasty. Eccleston's portrayal was good only to get the series jump-started. I'm glad he left after the first year or else I truly believe the show would have bombed.
Oh and the best thing about the revival? There's gay and black characters on the show. Don't ever recall seeing anyone of color even before the show ceased production in the late 80s/early 90s. And gay companions? Pbbt. Please. Oh there were gay actors. Matthew Waterhouse, Adric from E-Space, is gay in real life, but no homosexuals in space. Now? Well we have an assortment openly gay roles, played by gay actors like Russell Tovey and John Barrowman. I'm impressed Doc!
So wonder when this all began, did the producers ever believe years later the show would still be in full effect? Did they understand the cult phenomenon they were creating? Probably not. This is just my little recollection on how Who has impacted my life. I'll post things periodically until we hit the big anniversary in November. Until then, shall wonderfully enjoy the second half of Season 7 Or is it 8? I've lost track!
To quote that the Doctor himself, "I tried to keep a diary once, but that's the trouble with time travel, one never seems to find the time."
Wander Fever
Y'know, it's been a minute since I've been to either Disney World or Land. I think cause World was my first Disney Amusement Park, I prefer it over Land. Well what ya know? Something I don't like about Southern California. Hmph. Go fig.
Anyway, I'm hoping to take my nephew and godson next year, Summer 2014. By then I think they should be enough enough to appreciate it. Children (and sometimes adults) need a little wonderment to keep the spirit fresh. Does Disney still do Gay Days? If so, Darryl and I might take that adventure to the Magic Kingdom on our own.
Anyway, I'm hoping to take my nephew and godson next year, Summer 2014. By then I think they should be enough enough to appreciate it. Children (and sometimes adults) need a little wonderment to keep the spirit fresh. Does Disney still do Gay Days? If so, Darryl and I might take that adventure to the Magic Kingdom on our own.
April 1st.
It's April Fool's Day and what a day to relish being silly, foolish, and falling for pranks. I don't get the pranks much anymore, but being just plain stupid, well that I can enjoy.
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While this blog is not really intended to show adult content, I can't guarantee that an occasional image of male nudity won't appear. Be advised that this blog is intended to be read by people with an open mind. I don't claim any rights to the images nor do I have any knowledge of the sexuality of persons featured (unless they are openly gay...duh). Enjoy yourself and take a small step in my every day life and pondering...
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