Monday, April 1, 2013

Run, you clever boy....

So what did y'all think about the midseason premiere of Doctor Who, the Bells of St. John? I give it an A-. While Matt Smith is still not my favorite Doctor, this episode seemed tailor made for his incarnation of our favorite Timelord.

Small elements from classic Who were incorporated, like UNIT and the Great Intelligence. Bells of St. John kept me guessing. I still haven't the faintest idea who Ms. Clara Oswin Oswald is, but speculation is her catchphrase, "Run, You clever boy, and remember..." has something to do with it. Moffat is good for putting the "spoilers" right in front of your face that you miss them entirely. Almost. I might figure this out just yet. I nearly had the whole mystery with River Song figured out. Nearly. Well, OK. I was floored...

Now, on to commentary on classic Who. My father introduced me to the Doctor and his crazy blue box, the TARDIS, when I was about five or six. I remember rushing at night to get my homework done so I could turn on our local PBS station, WHYY Channel 12 for the nightly half hour segment. I used to hate the cliffhangers over the weekends, but was prep and ready for my space adventure come Monday!

Tom Baker was my first Doctor. For all intents and purposes,the only DOCTOR. Back then, I hadn't understood that he had been some other old crotchety dudes, just the loveable curly-head buffoon with a multicolored, incredibly long, scarf and his penchant to offer Jelly Babies everyone he met. Waitaminute? Jelly Baby? Doesn't he mean Jelly Beans????

Silly me hadn't quite heard of the confectionery delicacy, and chalked it up just the British way way of pronouncing"jelly bean." You know, like they say sched-ule, instead of our sked-ule, or throw "e" at the end of particular words... And thus, I was hooked. How fascinating.

Crazy monsters like the Sontarans, Zygons, Daleks, and Cybermen crept into my universe. Far off and away places, came into view... Skarro, Castrovalva, Trakken, Gallifrey. Ah yes, Gallifrey. Timelord Central, filled with stuffy old dudes with funky robes that never died, barring accidents.

Yes, the acting was campy. The special effects were off-kilter, but this was just the show! The end all be all.

Jump forward 40 plus years and we have the new Doctor for the 21st century. Oh, he's regenerated twice since the revival. I miss David Tenant
, but am ever so grateful mean ass Christopher Eccleston is gone. Ugh! The Doctor was always a bit eccentric, petulant at times, but never plain mean and nasty. Eccleston's portrayal was good only to get the series jump-started. I'm glad he left after the first year or else I truly believe the show would have bombed.

Oh and the best thing about the revival? There's gay and black characters on the show. Don't ever recall seeing anyone of color even before the show ceased production in the late 80s/early 90s. And gay companions? Pbbt. Please. Oh there were gay actors. Matthew Waterhouse, Adric from E-Space, is gay in real life, but no homosexuals in space. Now? Well we have an assortment openly gay roles, played by gay actors like Russell Tovey and John Barrowman. I'm impressed Doc!

So wonder when this all began, did the producers ever believe  years later the show would still be in full effect? Did they understand the cult phenomenon they were creating? Probably not. This is just my little recollection on how Who has impacted my life. I'll post things periodically until we hit the big anniversary in November. Until then, shall wonderfully enjoy the second half of Season 7 Or is it 8? I've lost track!

To quote that the Doctor himself, "I tried to keep a diary once, but that's the trouble with time travel, one never seems to find the time."



Pharoah said...

Ok I did see it and I'm a bit lost. I'm still trying to figure out what happened to Amy Pond and Rory? Although I recognize this Clara as the Victorian era nanny (governess) from the episode withthe killer snowmen, and the connection of "you clever boy" to River Song.
So could Clara be an regeneration of River....I mean wasn't that the secret to River by being Amy's & Rory's daughter (and conceived during their travels) that she's the first Timelord born in a millenia or something???

Ian said...

Looks like you missed an episode. You'll want to see Angels Take Manhattan, the mid-season finale last fall. That'll explain what happened to Rory and Amy. They gone. I'm certain they'll be back. Those two were too integral to this incarnation of the Doctor not to be back in some capacity commemorating the 50th year anniversary.

As to Clara, I doubt highly she's a regeneration of River. We know what the future holds in store for Ms. Song. If you've forgotten, you can always go to the Library. No. I suspect the answer to who or what Clara is so simple. My theory is she's a character we've already been introduced to, perhaps a Timelord like Romanadvoratrelundar (Romana).

Only time will tell...

Ian said...

Looks like you missed an episode. You'll want to see Angels Take Manhattan, the mid-season finale last fall. That'll explain what happened to Rory and Amy. They gone. I'm certain they'll be back. Those two were too integral to this incarnation of the Doctor not to be back in some capacity commemorating the 50th year anniversary.

As to Clara, I doubt highly she's a regeneration of River. We know what the future holds in store for Ms. Song. If you've forgotten, you can always go to the Library. No. I suspect the answer to who or what Clara is so simple. My theory is she's a character we've already been introduced to, perhaps a Timelord like Romanadvoratrelundar (Romana).

Only time will tell...


While this blog is not really intended to show adult content, I can't guarantee that an occasional image of male nudity won't appear. Be advised that this blog is intended to be read by people with an open mind. I don't claim any rights to the images nor do I have any knowledge of the sexuality of persons featured (unless they are openly gay...duh). Enjoy yourself and take a small step in my every day life and pondering... Feel free to email any comments or opinions.

President Barack Obama!