Friday, July 17, 2009

I Wanna

So you wanna read a deeper side to Ian than what ya know? OK, stealing a page from my mentor, here we go. Tame by comparison, but a post you'd expect from me.

I wanna...

Get fuckin' sloppy drunk. So goddamn drunk, it''ll put any drunken episode from college to shame.

Fuck like I did when I was twenty. Fuck long and hard, all fuckin' night long. Go the hell to sleep, wake up with another fuckin' hard on, and fuck for a couple more hours, sleep, start process again.

Fuck my ex boyfriend Napoleon, then spit on his fuckin' face for all the bullshit he put me through. Yeah, I'm remembering the one year anniversary of our FAAAAABULOUS break up is next week.

Get stoned.

Fuck or be fucked by probably every black man I've laid eyes on in the last 24 hours. I'm that horny.

Act like I don' give a shit like Mister Bigshot who fuckin called me fat. Fuck you asshole. Lil dick muthafucka. People talk. You might got the body, but you got A BABY DICK!

Understand why the hell people are put on this Earth simply to cause pain, strife, and misery for everyone else. Seriously God, why?

Know how not to give a shit about what other people think and just do my thing.

Go to the White Party in New York and then Fire Island Black Out...

have Money! Tired of being broke!

Piss down the throats of all the fuckin' homophobes and then shove my fat ass cock up their ass so they know what it really means to get screwed over!

Move to some place where their are more out and proud Gay Black Men.

Suck W, X, Y, and Z's dicks till they bust a nutt all over my body. (No names here, I ain't that ig. Ask me, I might tell you though).

Redo my childhood, cause it really BLEW.

Punch a couple people in the face just for the principle they piss me off.

Thank REAL people in my life that have been kind and generous.

Have all these GODDAMN CLOSETED MUTHAS come out already. Grow a pair. If more of you were out, then life would be easier for the little people like me.

See my daddy again, because when died, we weren't speaking...

Apologize for the people I hurt that I do care about and have their forgiveness.

Fuck! (I'm horny. Can u tell???)


Unknown said...


Prince Todd said...

Chile, let it out! Just let it ALL out!

Ray Avito said...

"Punch a couple people in the face just for the principle they piss me off." BWAAAAH!! That cracked me up, as I can relate so well.

Anonymous said...

OOo, I love a could bitch session, lol! Sometimes we need to bypass decorum and just STEAM, blow it off, as it were (the steam that is, LOL).

Diego Hatake said...

Okay... Let me comment some...

"Punch a couple people in the face just for the principle they piss me off."

I can relate to that. Punch somebody makes you feel sooooooo good! XD

"Move to some place where their are more out and proud Gay Black Men."

Me too! I've only found gay black men on the internet... That is sad!

"Fuck or be fucked by probably every black man I've laid eyes on in the last 24 hours. I'm that horny."

Someitmes I feel that way, but I have to control myself to avoid doing something stupid.

Oh, I've been reading your blog 4 a while but now decided to comment. Great stuff you have here. See ya!

Ian said...

Thank you for your readership Diego. I am in a far better mood now. I am composing a follow up post that I will submit on the Axe's brother blog, M.A.L.E. Keep your eye's peeled for it.

Are you in Brazil still? Or did you move to the States?

Ian said...

You know Thomas, as it stands, you and I are long overdue for a chat....I need to do some confession and I have read my own voice on your blog plenty enough to known get my vibe. *Sigh* I'm in a better mood now though, but this morning was something else....

JHM said...


Rodrigo Zambia Cruz said...

*Real Recgonizes Real* Have enjoyed reading your blog, lookin 4ward to more!

Wonder Man said...

Keep it real and let it go

Anonymous said...

ha....but why, o except the daddy thing!


While this blog is not really intended to show adult content, I can't guarantee that an occasional image of male nudity won't appear. Be advised that this blog is intended to be read by people with an open mind. I don't claim any rights to the images nor do I have any knowledge of the sexuality of persons featured (unless they are openly gay...duh). Enjoy yourself and take a small step in my every day life and pondering... Feel free to email any comments or opinions.

President Barack Obama!