Sunday, March 20, 2011

Foolish Girl, Quasi Funny Guy.

By now, I'm sure the vid has circulated through the 'net, but I'm posting it here because I'm amazed at some people's insensitivity. The second video is another Asian student's humorous attempt to respond to the first...

What I didn't post was the Hodge Twins' response. Those two seem to everyone's champion these days...Here's the link.

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While this blog is not really intended to show adult content, I can't guarantee that an occasional image of male nudity won't appear. Be advised that this blog is intended to be read by people with an open mind. I don't claim any rights to the images nor do I have any knowledge of the sexuality of persons featured (unless they are openly gay...duh). Enjoy yourself and take a small step in my every day life and pondering... Feel free to email any comments or opinions.

President Barack Obama!