Onward and upward. Focus forward, never retrograde baby boy. My reasons for ending the blog is my heart hasn't been in it for some months. I didn't think anything I posted was relevant to the current needs of the community/society; I was just too focused on myself. Yes, I used this blog as an outlet to work through shizz to relax, relate, release. Some days I got positive support. Other days I'd get the slappy London affair just brandy about in my face about how much of an asshole I was or exactly how whiny or self-pontificating I could be. Well, shit. LOL. Don't we all take to a soap box er'ry now and then to focus on our beliefs? Our agendas. Let the naysayers say nay, but I would not change a thing I did in the past seven years.
This overall experience has been fun and educational. Now, I promised not to make this a long tearful goodbye. Really, I won't. The people who I value know I value them and thank on the regular. I've met and broken bread with more than a few of you through this blog. Traveled to places I didn't think I'd ever go on my own. Tested the limits of fear, conquered shame, and made some wonderful friends. I will thank personally my brothers-in-arms Pharaoh, Wonder Man (now tha fantabbbbbbbbbbulous Viktahhhhhh Kerney!), Amanofcolours, Mardi Reid, (or whatever his current moniker du jour be), Corey @ I'll Keep You Posted, and Roger Poladopoulos. There are others I probably should give shout outs to, but way too many to list in a brief post.
Della Reese
There are a few post that are on automatic that I'll leave scheduled through the remainder of the year. If I get sick of this space, I might just delete them and put 'em out of their misery. LOl.
So in the end, I thank all the folks I've met...the good, the bad, and truly outrageous (truly, truly!) Y'all made it real while we walked together and my words cannot do justice in this moment. I'll leave knowing I've become a better thanks to this blog. I did me, and stayed me while I wrote the blogs... Never was a fake ass bitch one solitary moment! I leave the same advice in return, "DO YOU, BE YOU." Never settle to anyone else's standard. Word.
Au revoir et bonne chance mes amis