Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Mmmm. Isn't that picture inspiring? Wish I was with somebody tonight to keep me warm. That hawk is blowin' out there somethin' fierce. Winter is fastly becoming not my favorite season.

So, it's New Year's Eve, and here I am online. People were supposed to come over and visit for a spell, but everyone bailed on me at the last minute. I don't mind really, after awhile, the hoopla gets tired. I need to rest anyway, so gonna hit the hay early. No reason to stay up till Midnight now, huh? Coulda went to church. Got several invitations from Niccola, Tamodi, and Adam and RaShawn.

Too cold to be traipsing around outside anyway. Feel sorry for foks out there doing the countdown to 2009. In Central Pa, they do the imitation Time Square thing, with each community dropping its respective item it drops at midnight. Lancaster does a Red Rose, York does a White Rose, Dillsburg does a Pickle, Lebanon, a Bologna, Hershey, a Chocolate Kiss, Harrisburg, a Strawberry, yadda yadda, all sounds kinda fattening to me.

Hopefully, wherever you are, whenever you read this, you're having (or had) a great evening. I wish you all the most successful and promising New Year. 2008 was a giant learning lesson. I gained from it and am ready for a new start.

With much gratitude, my heart is still full...God's Peace and Blessings to you all.

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008: My Year In The Review Mirror

I saw that John posted this on his blog so I'm borrowing the concept from him as a look back on 2008. I'm trying to see the positive in this year where there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth. While it was stormy days, I weathered the storm with a lotta help from good people God sent my way. Here's my answers to what John entitled "Farewell and Welcome."

1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before? Relearning to walk, although technically I learned to walk when I was a toddler, but my year was phenomenally boring. So getting adjusted to being disabled and intense physical therapy was my highlight.

2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn't do a new year resolution, other than starting the year sick, and completing it still not up to snuff. My resolution for 2009 is get my groove and Mojo back.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? My friend Elsa had her little boy Benji late spring.

4. Did anyone close to you die? My grandfather passed away last weekend, although we weren't particularly close.

5. What countries did you visit? While the city of Philadelphia often considers itself the state of Pennsylvania, I doubt it could pass a country, LOL. Ian did not leave the US in '08 although I was supposed to visit Ghana and Toronto. Maybe next year.

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008? More financial stability, more health improvement, more spiritual growth, and more blessings from above.

7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? "Ladies and gentlemen, MSNBC can now safely project that Barack Obama will be the 44th President of the United States." -Keith Olbermann 11/4/08.
Oh my God! I cried. I wept tears of joy. I'm cryin' even as I type it all over again....Plan on doing it all over again in 19 days.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Getting off my lazy arse to get to church, taking better care of my spiritual health, as well as my physical health. Being a good listener and friend to those who needed a shoulder.

9. What was your biggest failure? My relationship and subsequent break up with Napoleon. It wasn't a failure per se, more like a personal triumph! The day I threw his bags in the street and said goodbye mas final, oh my spirit rejoiced, indeed!

10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Yes, Lord, was I ever sick. I almost died, literally. I'm still convalescing for the foreseeable future.

11. What was the best thing you bought? Nothing particular comes to mind. A shirt I'd been saving up for from Old Navy is the only thing I can recall at the moment.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Hester for fighting the good fight in the face of adversity and dealing with her no account soon-to-be-ex husband.

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Napoleon's. Just realizing he wasn't the person I thought he was. The fact that I was ready to marry, yes I said marry, this man and have him my life forever without hesitation. Yeah our relationship was shaky, but I thought he was improving, making changes, instead he was a liar and a cheat. And I fell for it hook line and sinker. But the Devil is a liar. He can't claim my spirit! I'm free and nevermore happier!!!

14. Where did most of your money go? Gas, bills, and groceries. And I'm ashamed to say cigarettes...still, dammit.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? The Presidential Election. I was addicted to MSNBC and CNN to a fault. I couldn't get enough of it.

16. What song will always remind you of 2008? Nothing Left To Say -Mint Condition

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
- i. happier or sadder? . Pr'ally a little sadder. I'm single again. I've been feeling lonely and out of the social loop. Financially, things have been tight. A few friendship fell apart. But I'm coming into my own because God is walking with me.

- ii. thinner or fatter? My weight constantly fluctuates. Depressingly, I put on a couple el-bee-esses during this holiday season, even with physical therapy. I got a little lazy this month!

- iii. richer or poorer? Depends on your point of view. Materialistic wise, I'm poorer. Spiritual wise, my bounty overfloweth...

18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Walking. I miss not being able to walk without use of crutches, a cane, or a wheelchair. I also wish I had been able to travel. With all these places I wanna see, I ain't got time to let grass grow underneath these feet o' mine.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Self-depreciate and doubt.

20. Did you fall in love in 2008? I fell in like with Arturo, Myjah, "Handyman" and in lust with my physical therapist, Gemini. But love? No. Napoleon did his best to break my heart when I threw his ass out.

21. How many one-night stands? Believe it or not, I was good (mostly) I slept with a few fellas P.N. (Post Napoleon). No booty calls since August, although a certain thick Puerto Rican bruh has stepped back into the picture, and I am sans date for New Year's Eve...ya never know.

22. What was your favorite TV program? All are tied: Ugly Betty, Big Bang Theory, Battlestar Galactica, True Blood, and Swingtown

23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? I've removed hate from my vocabulary with regards to people. More apropos would be "who do I forgive that I didn't from last year this time?" Yes, there are several people who I pray for, Naps being on the top of that list.

24. What was the best book you read? I'm not all sure what I read this year, I read too much. Probably Too Good To Be True by E. Lynn Harris. The worst, by far, was Eric Jerome Dickey's Pleasure. Awful piece of erotic literature. If I never read the words Kikki Sunshine again, it'll be too soon!

25. What was your greatest musical discovery? Jasmine Sullivan

26. What did you want and get? To keep my leg.

27. What did you want and not get? A new computer. Mine is slowly degenerating into a glorified calculator.

28. What were your favorite films of this year? Iron Man, Sex And The City, Hancock, White Christmas.

29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? Lord, I guess I never really blogged about my experience this year, did I? For those of you who don't know, I'm 38. I spent my birthday in the hospital because I almost died from a serious infection which also almost cost me my leg (from a previous injury last year). I don't wanna go into the whole story, but for you all wondering why I'm in therapy, that's the gist. I had extensive surgery done to save my leg from amputation, but I'm still learning to regain my mobility and such.

30. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Recognizing sooner God has my back. Trusting in Him more, less in myself. That and a good man by my side.

31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008? Gustavo's Alejandro's tres manifique! Don't ask, LOL

32. What kept you sane? God, church, family, friends, and music. In that order. I'm indebted to my real time and cyber friends alike. Thank you Toddy, Greg, Aaron, Real, Cocoa, Darius, et al bloggers...thank you Leoban, E.J. RaShawn, Adam, Rex, Miss T. Leeser, Queenie, Tamodi, et al for your special gifts and blessings.

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Y'all knows I loved me some Barack this year. Big Brother B! He's my role model. Now I have to give it up to my boys over at CNN...Roland, T.J. Don, and Anderson. And my yellaboy hotties Boris and Sunjata....

34. What political issue stirred you the most?The Presidential Campaign,

35. Whom did you miss? This Holiday season I felt and feel my father's presence around me, for the first time in 12 years. It's odd, but I've been missing him. His laughter, that dry sarcastic humor.

36. Who was the best new person(s) you met? It's a toss up between "Maxwell" and "Gemini." Maxwell is a friend for life I sense and I'm grateful for his assistance during my recuperative efforts. Gemini, while he tends to be braggart and Mr. Invincible, is also very kind. I'm still tryin to figure him out, which is to say, I'm still tryin' understand straight men. Cyberwise, I'm grateful to the Fry Guy for his "sultry words" and honest candor. Plus good ole Corey for sending encouragement just when I needed it. Now I can't be listing off too many bloggers cause I really don't wanna forget nobody. Our little family has been most edifying to this bwoy.

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008: Trust yourself, trust your spirit, never surrender your hopes, dreams, and pride on someone who's so not deserving of it. Trust God always to steer you to safer shores when the seas are rocky.

38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:.."I am here. You don't have to worry I can see your tears. I'll be there in a hurry when you call. When you call, friends will be there to catch you when fall! Here's my shoulder, you can lean on me..."
"Lean On Me" - Kirk Franklin & The Family, Bono, R. Kelly Mary J. Blige, and Crystal Lewis.

Demystifying Sunjata

Pretty much said all I had to say earlier about Mr. Sunjata. All that's left to do is post some more photos of his handsome mug and call it a day, right?

Hm. I wonder. Still feeling a tad mystified over him, I feel there's words missing, something else that need be said. Perhaps I'm on an emotional trip again, just feeling lonely, blocking out grief I should be feeling, and am gravitating toward a man who makes me feel comfortable... Dunno. Maybe it's a sophomoric attempt at being carefree and immature.

Part of me feels silly indulging in stupid posts like these. I mean really. Shouldn't I have better words to blog? Some treatise on the world today and how to improve upon it? Is my soul that vapid I can't pen inspirational and motivational thought without reducing myself to base instinct? After all, this eye candy isn't solving any tantamount issues in my life, is it? Where do I get off acting like a hormonal adolescent? Hm? ¡Dígame! Is showcasing men, ones I'll never know personally, an appeasement to temper an unsatisfied libido? A discordant life?

But someone once attributed, "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." I wholeheartedly admit this guy is sexy. I could give two flying effs what anyone else thinks about this attraction. Go wit the flow, Ian, go with the flow. You know you wanna wax philosophic on them thick lips, that nose, those eyes, the wistful masculine aura and energy, his yellowbone complexion...Uh huh, I thought so.

Without further adieu, here's Danny.

There's Something About Danny...

In an attempt to ease my burdens, I decided to do a fun post this morning. Since today is actor Daniel Sunjata's birthday, and I am enamored beyond belief with this man, Danny is the next contestant on "The Price Is Right." Happy 37th Birthday Daniel!

Oh how right he is, indeed. I sincerely go gaga at the mere mention of Daniel Sunjata's name. If I ever met this man, I'd fall over, be starstruck ,and make a complete arse of myself! My sole comfort is knowing I'm not alone in this feeling. Reading through old blog posts from the Can We Be Frank, Frank recounted his encounter with Daniel coming out of the gym one evening in NYC. Really???

Of course, I fell out! Damn, Frank actually met Danny Boy? Lucky bruh, I'm too jealous over you! Frank's opportunity was several years ago, but given the chance, I'd probably had the same knee jerk reaction. Upon meeting Daniel, quasi-stalker might show up on yours truly's part, but not in a scary way. Gotta admit, if I sensed for a second Daniel was into men, I'd be all over his hide like nobody's bizness. LOL!

Sure, I've heard the gossip from the rumor mill. Danny supposedly bi or is a closeted queer. Sigh! Do we always have to make guys struggling with their sexuality??? Every man walkin' this Earth is not a closet case. However, in Dainiel's case, I wish he were. Ah, wish fulfillment...

¡Mira! This bruh is the fuel for my middle aged queer fantasies. Daniel's been in a bunch of stuff, such as Devil Wears Prada, Rescue Me, Brother To Brother, but probably gain most of his notoriety for showing "Daniel Jr and his phat 2 cuzins" in the off-Broadway play Take Me Out. For me though?That's not the only reason why I'm in love wit' Daniel, though I won't lie. I'm glad Daniel had the cojones to show off the cojones.

If you asked me yesterday, I couldn't guess why my heart swells, swoons, and skips a beat. This morning, I have my answer. I know why. Sorry folks, but I'm not sharin' the reason for now. You can ask nicely though. I might fess up. All my real time friends will figure it out instantly. guys who read the blog, keep it to yourselves!

Anyway, I gots to get ready for PT, so I don't have time to post my montage of Daniel, but it's coming. And those of you who stranded on Lost's island, and haven't seen the nudes , I'll be posting those over on Chocolate & Salsa later too.


Monday, December 29, 2008

Another Void In My Life

Before I begin, I need to apologize to my dear friend Corey because I hadn't yet read his most recent blog post before I contacted him last night.

After reading his latest post, I feel a bit selfish, like a heel. I recalled sobbing my tale of woe to him not realizing his own saga.

Brother, you gots my prayers, you know that...

Now, my sad news. After months of prolonged Alzheimer's and other health maladies, my grandfather made the transition from this life into the next yesterday afternoon. For me, I feel numb. I'm not sad, but feeling a void.

Granddaddy and I weren't particularly close. Mostly my heart aches for my family members who were. My mum, my aunties, and uncles are taking his passing pretty hard. I feel for them. Somehow, through their pain, I'm wondering what I missed out on? Granddaddy was in and out of my life, never around for long. It's a long story as to why, nothing I'll explain today, but his life still had merit and impact on mine. Through his children, their lives were the ones that fostered and molded me, guided me to become the man I am today. So somewhere, he did something right.

Granddaddy's children managed to maintain a satisfying relationship with him. Here was a man who had two families, one white, one black, attempting to stride the racial equality fence in a day when it was still a social taboo. My friend Roxanne finds it incredulous my gramps was a white man. I respond to her, shake your family tree hard enough, you might be surprised who falls out.

For what its worth, my family is no different than anyone else's, We had laughter, joy, tears, some sadness, yes, cussin', riot readin', but most important, there was love. My grand's passing leaves a void in my life simply for the fact I'll never know the man he was. The kind soul who, sure made mistakes, but was generous and loving. He musta done something right, my Grandma had six children with him...shoot! LOL. But here is a man who forever more will be a mystery to me. Unlike my other grandfather, I don't have the treasured memories of watching sports, throwing a football, or those things little boys do with with their Pop-Pop. No, he's gone now...

For now. I lift up my head, say a prayer in his memory, and give God the thanks Granddaddy's suffering is no more...

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008


Happy Birthday to rocker Chris Daughtry

Goodbye Sweet Lady

The one and ONLY Catwoman (IMHO)!
Rest In Peace, Ms. Kitt.

NYC Bound

How was your Christmas peeps? Mine was good. Nice. I'm headed to NYC for a few days, so no new posts until Monday. Well, I do have a prescheduled post for tomorrow, but I doubt I will have time to blog while I'm gone, but if I have a free moment, maybe. No guarantees...

I promise to take down the Christmas music by Monday. Are you sick of it? One local radio station was still playing Carols this morning, I was like enough already!

OK, I'm off. For those of you celebrating (I don't), Happy Kwanzaa! Catch you all on the fly.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

"And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

Christmas Eve Message...

Just a quick post because I have so much to do this afternoon it ain't funny. For somebody who said he wasn't doing much this Holiday, I'm pretty busy. And no, it's not over commercialized. I have my therapy appointment, which will take up two hours, I have to run to the grocery store to get a few items for dinner tonight and tomorrow, haveta run to Target (Tarjay) for a last minute gift for my nephew, and I'm going to church...

Whew! I'm frazzled by it all. Might not seem like much, but when you're running on one cylinder, in my case with a bum leg, it's tedious. But to God be the Glory!

So by now, if you haven't figured it out, I'm in love with Christmas. I'm a Christmas junkie. Not in the way you might think though. Christmas brings out the wonderful inner child in me, the wonderful innocence that we as adults often forget. I'm caught up with my spirit this year. I'm Blessed. This Christmas has been more joyous and fruitful for me than any other. I'm not exchanging many gifts, can't afford it, but I'm giving what I can...kind words, deeds, thoughts, sentiments, and prayer. I'm giving the prayer to God to handle the things people need help with. Praying that things will be alright for people...that people can reconnect with their spirit, know the joy of our Lord, and be happy.

There's so many things I wanna say, but not enough cohesion to make it sensible. I guess what I'm tryin' to say is I want yall to be Blessed this Christmas. Be happy. Be with the ones you love and care about. Give Him thanks you've seen another Christmas. Celebrate the birth, and know the true meaning to the Holiday. I know I've cried, moaned, and groaned about so much this year, but infinitely, Grace has been upon me. He has been with me every step of the way, and that my friends, is my best, truest Christmas present I'll receive this year.

My gift to you is to say thank you. Thank you for taking the time to step into my world, leave a comment when the spirit moved, and extending brotherhood. See, each of you has a special gift you share with others, yourselves. Whether you blog, do physical therapy, cook, feed the homeless, work at a doctor's are meant to be what that as a blessing upon someone else. You edify spirit. And I thank you for it. I thank each of the guys on my blog roll and new friends I've made through writing the Axe. I thank my friends in real-time who read the blog. I'm just so thankful, my heart is full. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Showing blogger love, thanks for Aaron for allowing me to repost one his photos on the Axe for this post.

Additionally, I'm thankful, in no particular order, for these blogs, ones that really helped with my journey. My ramblings and diatribe may not be on par with your blogs, but your words have served me with great purpose. You've given me laughs, motivation, shared some eye candy or two, provoked thought...touched my spirit and soul. Thanks to each of you. Keep on doing your thing in 2009!!!
Welcome To: Life Experiences 301
The Spirit Catches You
SGL Universe
To My Friends, With love...Sincerely, Toddy English
Point & Shoot
Not Shady, Just Fierce...
Living Out Loud with Darian
Gay Nudist In DC
Living In The Shadow Of My Life
What's it all about? ALFII
Rod 2.0:Beta
Black Visual Artist
Purveyor of All Things Appropriately Inappropriate
Getting Myself Together
Troy Notoroious
jonathan perry
The Daily Voice
Coffee Will Make You Black
Brothas N Da Spirit
Hester's Revenge
Season 2008
Clay Cane
Black Male Admirer
Epiphany Noir

Merry Christmas from your boy Ian, Darktomahawk, here at Weilding the Axe and Chocolate & Salsa Blogs.

Handsome Mekhi

In an effort to redeem myself from my snippy birthday post earlier this morning, here's a nicer one. Happy 34th Birthday wishes for actor Mekhi Phifer!

Not-So-Pretty Ricky

Is it me, or has Ricky Martin let himself go just a l'il bit?

Never a huge fan, but back in the day, Ricky was a tasty morsel; good on the eyes. Hm. Maybe this might be the proof straight folks need to keep the delusion Papi is straight. After all, no self-respecting gay man would evah be caught out in public unkempt and be photographed lookin' "tow up from the flow up." I'm not diggin' the nasty facial hair, pasty skin, or the acne. And honey, baby blue is not your color!

"Oh Ian, be nice. Chica just had babies! Stop bein so catty."

Um... last time I checked, Ricky doesn't have a uterus, right? All Ricky did was you-know-what ina vial somewhere and contributed his DNA! So his part was done after two minutes. He had plenty of time to run to the beauty shop, get himself clipped, snipped, fried, dyed, and laid to the side. And don't he live in PR still?

Excuse me? Hello? PR? Puerto Rico... the Caribbean. The unofficial 51st state. Sun, fun, and mo' sun. The gorgeous men! (but I digress) Don't they got beaches? Tanning salons? Couldn't his significant other rubbed some bronzing cream or sumthin on his man 'fore they photgraphed this shot? To quote the immortal Lucille Ball..."Oh Riiiickkky!"

Sike! No. Lemme stop playin'. Today's Christmas Eve and is his birthday after all. When I wake up with that lump o' coal tomorrow, I'll have no one to blame but myself. OK Ricky, you know I love you. So from crazy me, to wonderful you, Happy 37th Birthday!

Just we can remember the good old days though, I posted some better snaps of you.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Words I Wish I Could Say To Him

A humorous response to Barack Obama shirtless pics. Thanks to Black Snob blog for bringing this to my attention.

Dear President-Elect Obama,

I reeeaaaaly don't need to be seeing my President shirtless. I don't. Really. No. Nope. Un-uh. Mr. Obama, put your shirt back on. Please. I realize you're on holiday, in your beautiful home state of "Ha-woy-ya," but's let's keep some perspective. This ain't out of disrespect, but the utmost respect, Mr. Prez. Damn! Where'd you get them abs? I mean they just seemed to crop up overnight. See we got a problem.

You realize I'm queer as the day is long, right? These pictures... oh my. How do I confess this? Is it wrong to swoon over the soon-to-be President of the United States? Feels dirty. Now, I don' know how you feel about other men-folks staring at you, but let's remove the gay factor, how's Mrs. Obama gonna feel 'bout anybody eyeing you up? Men and women? This just too much. I don' wanna think about you in that way.

You're my President. I've been a fan since before it was trendy to support you. Had my Barack Obama for President on the blog since you first announced your intention to run. I voted for you based on your ideals, not that devilishly smooth talkin' charm, charisma, and uber masculine confidence you're vibin'. Not this new body you got. You can't become a sex symbol now!!! You're a politician! All politicians need to be old and curmudgeonly. You up and done this?!? Gone presidential stud on us? Oh dear!

Must go hide face under rock...must control impulse to make comment on the pecs, the slight abs goin' on...must not lose credibililty.

I'm shock, amazed, and a bit mystified. Mr. B, you got yourself together real quick. Previous pics had you a little pudgy, though stick skinny, you weren't chiseled. Now? You got definition. What's the secret? I've hear rumors you don't eat much, but I forget, you run ball, so you must know a thing or two about keeping in shape.
Guess you finally put the cigarettes down too. Hopefully. The worse thing about trying to quit is the natural inclination to gain weight. And you're gonna be the leader of the Free World, with God's Grace, for the next eight years, so I don't wanna hear you had a heart attack or stroke. Put 'em down, big brother B.
Keep doing what you did to get that upper body, and er'rything gonna be just phiiii...I mean fine.


Good This Christmas

Blogging Note: If you remember an earlier post, "And Finding A Christmas Tree," this is the frontal version of that picture.

Be good to yourself that is.

It's December 23rd, two days before Christmas, a day before Christmas Eve. Now for the last decade or so, December 23rd has become an extra Holiday for me. My ex-wife Miss T's birthday is today. Now a true gentleman never asks nor reveals a lady's age, so I won't tell how many candles she'll be blowing out on the cake. I'll say this much, its a milestone birthday. So I was thinking about today, this Christmas, and what it all means.

Like many people, 2008 wasn't the kindest of years to Miss T. Won't rehash her dirty laundry, but I know she's been feeling chagrin about celebrating this year. No birthday. No Christmas. I was like, Aw hell no! Birthdays and Christmas only come once a year and are never guaranteed for the next, so be blessed, and celebrate. Be good to yourself. So this afternoon we're going out for a quiet dinner and gathering, just us, to be merry with one another. Christmas Day, same thing. Just us.

Since this has been a rough year, we need to get back to the heart, the spirit, of the matter. Holiday time is not bound up in trees, presents, glittery shiny! Christmas and Birthdays are about celebrating joys, reconnecting with ourselves, with others. Hold tender this time in your heart and be steadfast in knowing you're blessed by Him. Feel your spirit. So many of us are so damn jaded, myself included, because we're without this or without that. But we're here to complain, right? Somebody didn't wake this morn. Somebody went to bed for the final time last night. Rejoice you have one more day to add to your personal calendar.

Tomorrow night, I'm going to church, celebrating the birth of my Lord and Saviour. I'm trying to convince Miss T to go, but I know she just wants a quiet night. But girl, there's nothing like the Silent Night to put things into perspective!!! Be kind to your spirit. Open the door, let the warmth, the victory that was promised, that has come, and all will be well. It's better than any bauble I can wrap craftily in glitzy paper.

Happy Birthday! With loads of love, then, now and always,
-Your beloved Ian

Birthday Boy

Happy 40th Birthday to Quincy D. Jones III.

Also a mover and shaker in the Industry, I'm feelin' his look. Pops, big daddy "Q," had some beautiful progeny didn't he? Check out QD3's (aka Snoopy) sisters in my "Black, Jewish, and Faaaabulous" post from Sunday.

Now, I know brother is married, with kids, but that's alright. Ever hear "look, but don't touch?" I ain't got no problem just looking. LOL.

Special thanks and photo credit goes out to Brian Solis for providing several photos.


While this blog is not really intended to show adult content, I can't guarantee that an occasional image of male nudity won't appear. Be advised that this blog is intended to be read by people with an open mind. I don't claim any rights to the images nor do I have any knowledge of the sexuality of persons featured (unless they are openly gay...duh). Enjoy yourself and take a small step in my every day life and pondering... Feel free to email any comments or opinions.

President Barack Obama!