Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Message...

Just a quick post because I have so much to do this afternoon it ain't funny. For somebody who said he wasn't doing much this Holiday, I'm pretty busy. And no, it's not over commercialized. I have my therapy appointment, which will take up two hours, I have to run to the grocery store to get a few items for dinner tonight and tomorrow, haveta run to Target (Tarjay) for a last minute gift for my nephew, and I'm going to church...

Whew! I'm frazzled by it all. Might not seem like much, but when you're running on one cylinder, in my case with a bum leg, it's tedious. But to God be the Glory!

So by now, if you haven't figured it out, I'm in love with Christmas. I'm a Christmas junkie. Not in the way you might think though. Christmas brings out the wonderful inner child in me, the wonderful innocence that we as adults often forget. I'm caught up with my spirit this year. I'm Blessed. This Christmas has been more joyous and fruitful for me than any other. I'm not exchanging many gifts, can't afford it, but I'm giving what I can...kind words, deeds, thoughts, sentiments, and prayer. I'm giving the prayer to God to handle the things people need help with. Praying that things will be alright for people...that people can reconnect with their spirit, know the joy of our Lord, and be happy.

There's so many things I wanna say, but not enough cohesion to make it sensible. I guess what I'm tryin' to say is I want yall to be Blessed this Christmas. Be happy. Be with the ones you love and care about. Give Him thanks you've seen another Christmas. Celebrate the birth, and know the true meaning to the Holiday. I know I've cried, moaned, and groaned about so much this year, but infinitely, Grace has been upon me. He has been with me every step of the way, and that my friends, is my best, truest Christmas present I'll receive this year.

My gift to you is to say thank you. Thank you for taking the time to step into my world, leave a comment when the spirit moved, and extending brotherhood. See, each of you has a special gift you share with others, yourselves. Whether you blog, do physical therapy, cook, feed the homeless, work at a doctor's are meant to be what that as a blessing upon someone else. You edify spirit. And I thank you for it. I thank each of the guys on my blog roll and new friends I've made through writing the Axe. I thank my friends in real-time who read the blog. I'm just so thankful, my heart is full. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Showing blogger love, thanks for Aaron for allowing me to repost one his photos on the Axe for this post.

Additionally, I'm thankful, in no particular order, for these blogs, ones that really helped with my journey. My ramblings and diatribe may not be on par with your blogs, but your words have served me with great purpose. You've given me laughs, motivation, shared some eye candy or two, provoked thought...touched my spirit and soul. Thanks to each of you. Keep on doing your thing in 2009!!!
Welcome To: Life Experiences 301
The Spirit Catches You
SGL Universe
To My Friends, With love...Sincerely, Toddy English
Point & Shoot
Not Shady, Just Fierce...
Living Out Loud with Darian
Gay Nudist In DC
Living In The Shadow Of My Life
What's it all about? ALFII
Rod 2.0:Beta
Black Visual Artist
Purveyor of All Things Appropriately Inappropriate
Getting Myself Together
Troy Notoroious
jonathan perry
The Daily Voice
Coffee Will Make You Black
Brothas N Da Spirit
Hester's Revenge
Season 2008
Clay Cane
Black Male Admirer
Epiphany Noir

Merry Christmas from your boy Ian, Darktomahawk, here at Weilding the Axe and Chocolate & Salsa Blogs.

1 comment:

nudeindc said...

Merry Christmas and wishing you the best.


While this blog is not really intended to show adult content, I can't guarantee that an occasional image of male nudity won't appear. Be advised that this blog is intended to be read by people with an open mind. I don't claim any rights to the images nor do I have any knowledge of the sexuality of persons featured (unless they are openly gay...duh). Enjoy yourself and take a small step in my every day life and pondering... Feel free to email any comments or opinions.

President Barack Obama!