Sunday, July 12, 2009

Randomness @ 3 AM

Well its Sunday morning. I'm up because i was having fitful nightmares all night long and I couldn't sleep. Not feeling in the greatest of moods, but I refuse to complain about it. So I will attempt to charge through the day with positive thought, deed, and action even though I'm not feeling it.

Realizing that I will be going back to work in about a month and a half. Wow, that is if the States passes a budget. I might need to be looking for a new job. Scary. But it matters not, all my needs have been taken care of. Not ready to go back to work, but to be in the real world, huh...yeah Ian needs a fucking job. Can't be a fucking fat ass sitting around on disability now can I?

In other projects, I haven't blogged on some of the goals I'm achieving lately. Feels good to move in a forward direction for a change. Let's hope it last. Might talk more on the subject later. Not sure, because at the same token, I'm feeling a conflict in my spirit. Can't explain, or rather, I won't. Not right now. Not while I got potential to guide me....

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While this blog is not really intended to show adult content, I can't guarantee that an occasional image of male nudity won't appear. Be advised that this blog is intended to be read by people with an open mind. I don't claim any rights to the images nor do I have any knowledge of the sexuality of persons featured (unless they are openly gay...duh). Enjoy yourself and take a small step in my every day life and pondering... Feel free to email any comments or opinions.

President Barack Obama!