Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Spiritual Self-Exposure

My decision to blog has perhaps been of the best decisions I've ever made. I got some wonderful responses to last night's post and I feel loved and embraced. Putting myself out there, being verbally naked, is risky, but I gain insight from your comments and feedback.

Additionally, as I venture out on the 'Net, I'm discovering more blogs written by Black men, who seem to share some of my own experiences. I don't feel alone so much anymore.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. If I didn't live in Hooterville, Pennsylvania, maybe I'd be able to connect more with other out gay/SGL Black men. You're right. But this corner of Central PA has become home. Moving to a large urban community is not in the cards. Sure, I love Baltimore and DC (the jury is out on my hometown. Too much craziness going on back in Philly) but I've expanded and have grown so much more, by leaps and bounds. I feel unique, not just another queer clone.)

A highlight I also want to mention is another blog I discovered by Toddy English. Many of his points are what I'm feelin' or have felt before. Check his blurb out and tell me what you think.

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While this blog is not really intended to show adult content, I can't guarantee that an occasional image of male nudity won't appear. Be advised that this blog is intended to be read by people with an open mind. I don't claim any rights to the images nor do I have any knowledge of the sexuality of persons featured (unless they are openly gay...duh). Enjoy yourself and take a small step in my every day life and pondering... Feel free to email any comments or opinions.

President Barack Obama!